
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Freaking tired

I got only 4 hours total of sleep last night ... Sooo tired and my pmdd is to blame. I was burning up . My skin was on fire. Insomnia !? I googled and apparently hormones can make you sleep bad. 
Go figure. 🙄 I'm at work just waiting for it to be done and over. I'm already done. It's 9:45 and work is done til 10:00. So about 1 h 15 min left. What to do???? 
Some students grade 1 in highschool will start today. I think the rest will start on Thursday. Not sure . Worst of all theres 1 Arab man thinks he is the boss?? He is not the boss🤨... I don't have to listen to him. I listen to my other leaders. 
Just pissing me off!!!! 😤😡 And I just want to go home and lay in my bed.....

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