
Friday, September 18, 2020

Got mail from HIM!!!


Well to my suprise I got a letter today from my guy. Only been 1 month and 18 days since I got the next.. hmmm. Im glad his doing better  BECAUSE he got covid-19😯 YES he got it. I do believe in prison it is hard to not get sick. Its alot of people in crowded place. I dont know if theres hand sanitizer or masks available... Probably not. He got in quarantine for couple of weeks, He is doing good now. THANK GOD!!!🙏 I really been missing him alot. Sooo damn much. I would say. ❤️😔😘

My hormone treatments are doing good but im just IRRITATED ALOT more. Well next week I will be picking the eggs out. I was on a appointment yesterday. There was 12 eggs in total. Not bad the doctor said. LMAO

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