
Monday, February 4, 2019

I miss your voice already

its just been about 3.5 hours ago I talked to him. *sigh* Wish I could just talk to him one more time lol---  I believe the phone will be shut off on the 4th of february. It sure sucks!!! I wish I could talk to you for free. That phone cost me alot. But it was worth it . I got to grow closer to my man. Even though we almost slipped away from each other. It brought us closer too. It was very hard to say  good bye in a way. 😢💔But now we will be communicating through letters instead. Lets see how that goes. I have to fix those pictures for him and the Valentines Day card. 💘

But now I will start to save up to to see him for the second time!!! Cant wait!!!!

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