I got a call from my guy at 3 am , I didnt expect him to call because my jpays were a little weird and I told him I didnt deserve to get a call. He did. He told me he didnt mean I was making him miserable but that the situation is. I kinda misunderstood that part....
He is just super frustrated esp with money. I told him I got this. I got a job now and I will send you. I havent in a long time. I dont want him to go hungry. He was frustrated with a friend of his who always say stuff and then doesnt do it. I cant be there physically but I can try to be there mentally, and to talk to him.
I hope he will feel better. But that letter wasnt making my day. I felt very sad about it. But atleast I dont feel like I am gonna lose him. I dont have alot of people in my life who means alot. So I thought this was it. 😔

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