
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Ahh What a week

Well Friday night around 8.30 pm I got a call from someone, twice. I thought it was weird. I tried to check it online. I really thought it was from a sales person.
 It seemed it came from a cleaning company. And So I txt that person. He called again. He wanted me to come for a interview on Saturday. So I did. It went well . And apparently Im gonna start at Monday!!! its a part time job, Cleaning in a High School building. 😄😁I think I will get it. It seems so. I will see on Monday how it goes. AMEN is what a´just have to say. And Thank The Lord.

I wish I could talk to my man. I miss him so very much and I just want to talk to him. Hear his sweet voice. 💖💋

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