Cleanse your space....
Of course, clearing clutter is the first step in cleaning your space. The second step, is to do a space cleansing where you remove the energy debris that has built up over time. Once you perform the cleansing, the energy of the space lifts, brightens, and circulates freely. Then, implementing feng shui becomes a breeze.
Of course, clearing clutter is the first step in cleaning your space. The second step, is to do a space cleansing where you remove the energy debris that has built up over time. Once you perform the cleansing, the energy of the space lifts, brightens, and circulates freely. Then, implementing feng shui becomes a breeze.
The energy debris can be a result of negative emotions, thoughts, occurrences, and stress that you have experienced in your space. Your house is like a sponge. Whatever transpires in your environment is absorbed into the walls, furniture, carpet, ceiling, and objects. Frequently, these negative energies accumulate in the corners and tucked away places. Also, if you had a negative event happen recently or a lot of sadness or fear, cleanse your space immediately!Visualize space cleansing as wiping away dust bunnies from the past.

The following situations are appropriate times to space cleanse:
- After you remove clutter
- After an argument
- When you move into a new space
- When a roommate or companion moves out
- After a divorce or break-up
- After an illness or death
- When you buy an antique or second-hand item
- Anytime you desire fresh energy for a new project or beginning.
- Before implementing feng shui
How to Cleanse a Space:
- Here is a simple space-cleansing technique to perform on your home, office, or even on a specific object:
- Create a strong intention in your mind to clear the space in order to bring in vibrant, healthy energy.
- Burn sandalwood incense or dried sage to disintegrate the negative energy in each room. (Buy incense from India, Japan or China as the energy is stronger.) Wave it counterclockwise in each corner, closet, and cabinet. You may also let one stick burn in each room. Say, “Thank you for the complete disintegration of all negative energies, thoughts, and emotions from this room now.”
- After cleansing, always open East windows and doors to allow fresh energy of the sun to enter.
- Light a candle to dedicate energy to your endeavors. Say your wish out loud. For example, “I am so grateful for all the love, harmony, and healthy energy pouring into my home right now.”
- Imagine brilliant white light filling the whole space. Visualize your home or office as a shining star emanating light, positive energy and blessing to everyone who enters.
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