
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saturday around 1 PM


We got snow now...yepp snowed at night and nw its white nice , cute snow everywhere. Im gonna go out and take some pictures today.

Anyways.... Do you know what carbface is??? 

Its when you have eaten too much carbs or just enough to make y our face and body restore water. YES Carbs restore alot of water , thats why you might seem puffy / overweight but could be water inside your body.
To get rid of that puffiness...Drink water and cut down the carbs. To get out the access water you have  to drink water, the body restore water because it needs more to get it out!

Carbs are: Pasta:Spaggetti, Rice,Maccaronies. Potatoes, Bread , cookies, pastries...etc

I got it, I ate chips yesterday and usually i get it. I get it so easy... :/

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