
Thursday, January 24, 2013

why do people get married?

22 Reasons Why You Should Get Married Immediately

  1. Can help you become more Christ-like (#1 reason per God: to make you holy, more than just happy.)
  2. Makes you eat healthier (fruit-loops are no longer a viable option for dinner).
  3. Will help you earn more money.
  4. Take advantage of more tax breaks.
  5. Experience more satisfying sex.
  6. Improved self-esteem.
  7. Makes you live longer.
  8. Experience less depression and fewer problems with alcohol.
  9. Can make you a more generous person, where you give with no thought of return.
  10. Benefits that come from having children.
  11. Brings stability for children.
  12. The love will make you feel completely alive.
  13. Makes you feel more understood.
  14. Creates an environment where you can grow.
  15. Provides you security that doesn’t come from just living together.
  16. Will teach you what love is really all about.
  17. Will help you know what real respect is all about.
  18. It’s the single best investment that will last a life-time.
  19. Makes you happier (although some would argue a happy marriage makes you happier.)
  20. To bring out the best in you.
  21. When done right it’s the cure for loneliness, even emotional loneliness.
  22. Because your own wedding will be the best party you’ll ever attend.

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